World Religions Hind Jud Confuc #2

World Religions Review #2 - Hinduism, Judaism, and Confucianism
What H is the religion that uses the caste system as a base for it's society?. What C is the Hebrew term for the wedding canopy in Judaism?. What K is the name of Confucius when he was born?. What S is the Hebrew term for the period of time following the death of a loved one in Judaism?. What T is the name of the house of worship for Reform Jews and for Hindus?. What S is the name for the house of worship in Confucianism?. What Z is translated as loyalty to one's nature in Confucianism?. What Y is one of the names for the head covering worn by Jewish males?. What T is the name for the Hindu Trinity?. What I is the location of the largest population of Jewish people in the world?. What C is the location of the largest population of Confucianists in the world?. What A is the name of the founder of Judaism?. What S is the term for sacraments in Hinduism?. What B is the name of the Creator God in Hinduism?. What M is the term for the person who performs circumcisions in Judaism?. What G is the title given to holy teachers in Hinduism?. What R is the English translation of Shu in Confucianism?. What L is the name of one of the avatars who Lord Vishnu came to earth as?. What M is the Hindu term for liberation from samsara?. What H is the language of origin in Judaism?.
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