World Religions Hind Jud Conf 4

World Religion review - Hinduism, Judaism, and Confucianism #4
What C is the Hindu term for vital spiritual energy centers in the body?. What B is a small portion of the Mahabharata and is very popular book in Hinduism? . What C is the person who found extreme importance in relationships - he came up with 5 Cardinal.. What T is Hebrew term for getting back on track?. What T is what Jews believe God gave Moses on Mt. Sinai along with the Talmud?. What L is the flower Hindus believe symbolizes the potential for all humans?. What J is the religion that has the Star of David as it's most important symbol?. What H is the religion that has the swastika as it's symbol for well being?. What P is the English translation of the Hebrew term Pesach?. What O is the name for the place of union with God after death for the Jewish people?. What C is the system Hindus use for the basis of the social roles?. What R is the same as Samsara and the Wheel of Rebirth in Hinduism?. What Z is the term in Confucianism for loyalty to one's true name - being one's self.. What K is one of the names for the head covering worn by Jewish males?. What S is the name of person some Hindus believe is the founder of Hinduism?. What K is the name of the person who started the philosophy of Confucianism?. What A is the founder of Judaism?. What V is who Hindus believe came to earth as the avatar Lord Krishna?. What S is the name of the Destroyer God in Hinduism?. What J is the term in Hinduism for mantra - the most famous being aum?.
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