Year 1 Materials

Quiz to help children review the vocabulary covered in a module about materials found in their local environment. Year 1. By Susie Steel
What M feels cold and is very strong?. What C is found underground and is used for making plates?. What S is is found underground and at the bottom of the sea and is used in making glass?. What O can be used to amke machines move smoothly, and can be burned to make heat or light?. What C is white and can be used to write with?. What G is is found underground, is very explosive,and can be burned to make heat?. What G is found underground and can be used to put on paths or gardens?. What P is used for putting on flowerbeds, but can also be burned as fuel?. What G is a transparent material?. What C is fragile, and made from fired clay?. What P is waterproof, and used for making toys?. What W would an umbrella have to be to keep you dry?. What F is another word for bendy?. What W is the material that comes from trees?. What D is the opposite of shiny?. What R is the opposite of smooth. What S is the opposite of hard?. What F is the best material for making clothes and cuddly toys?. What F is what happens when you put a cork in water?. What S is what happens when you put a marble in water?.
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