Electricity and magnetism

Revision of year 10 GCSE unit Electricity and magnetism
What R is part of a circuit used to alter the current flow?. What E is a method of separating substances from a solution, based on the charges they carry?. Which E must be carried out on appliances with metal cases?. What S is the name given to an iron core with a current-carrying wire around it?. What T is used to step the voltage up?. What N is a magnetic metal?. What C is the unit of measurement for Charge?. What D is a device which only allows current to travel through it in one direction?. What S is a type of electricity caused by friction?. What A is used in the term abbreviation AC?. What N is the name given to the network of pylons and cables that cover the whole country?. What H is produced whenever current flows through a resistor?. What T lowers its resistance in hot conditions?. What E is the name given to liquids which contain charges that can flow freely?. What P is obtained by multiplying the voltage x current. What C is the term used to describe Q in the equation Q=It?. What F is the name of the scientist who came up with the left hand rule?. What I is a word used to describe the creation of an electromagnet?. What D is used to describe changes in a material, resulting in it losing its magnetism?. What L is the name given to a component of a circuit which is controlled by the light?.
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