Social and Economics GCSE

A second quiz for the Social and Economic GSCE, with the Women as the in depth study.
What M goes with Cat to complete an act of 1913. What T were in Townshend NFCR and used as winter fodder?. What S was where farmers in OFS grew for their own needs?. What Cs were appointed to ensure the fairness of enclosure?. What D happened to the price of corn during the French Wars of 1793-1815?. What R is how you can answer the paper, and each question in order to improve your exam performance?. What P was failing the system of road repair in 1700?. What T were improved roads for which you had to pay a toll?. What R were riots in South Wales 1839-41 where toll gates were attacked?. What P doubled in the 18th century (9m to 18m) and led to change?. From what M did the Duke fill his canal - using flood water?. What H was what happened to the price of the Duke's coal in Manchester after B'water Canal opened?. What S were many more people able to be beside after the building of the railway network?. What M were worked in by many women in WW1, making shells?. What T was a new job opportunity for women following the Education Act of 1870?. What N made nursing a respectable profession?. What A were made on production lines by women in WW2?. What A was surname of Britain's first women doctor?. What H was the place in Norfolk where Thomas Coke held his farming festivals?. What F does Pointing to the Question give your answers?.
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