Easy Plants Quiz

A basic quiz on photosynthesis, roots and cells of the plant for low ability KS3 classes.
What O is a gas given off during photosynthesis?. What CD is a gas used during photosynthesis?. What P is the process by which plants produce energy?. What G is the name of the sugar produced by photosynthesis?. What S is the hole on the underside of the leaf to let gases in and out?. What P is the name of the cell layer that has lots of chloroplasts?. What C is the green pigment that performs photosynthesis in the leaf?. What C is the part of the cell where photosynthesis happens?. What RH is the name of the cells which take up water from the soil?. What S is the substance that the sugars are stored as in the plants roots?. What W is collected for the plant by the roots?. What V carries the water to the leaves from the roots?. What S is the energy used to make food for the plants?. What C are the building blocks of all plants and animals?. What M is used to look at tiny cells?. What S is a piece of glass with a sample to look at under a microscope?. What L is the part of the plant where photosynthesis takes place?. What R holds the plants firmly in the soil?. What C is a type of vegetable that is a plant root?. What S is a word that means a part of a building or living thing? .
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