
A quiz on algebra which infuses a little touch of science into the puzzle. Levelled at enthusiastic key stage 3 students
What E is is made up of a mixture of numbers and letters?. What S requires you to enter real numbers into an equation or expression?. What F is a set of instructions written using letters?. What M is a technique used to describe the relationship in algebra?. What A is the subject used to write down and describe mathematical processes?. What B is the acronym used to describe the order of operations in maths?. What C is used to show the relationship between two variables in a two dimensional space?. What D is the inverse operator of Multiplication?. What G was a famous mathematician?. What H is used to describe a proposed theory?. What I is used describe a number repeatidly multiplied by itself over and over?. What J is used as a unit of energy?. What K is the science of motion?. What M does the variable in the formula F = ma stand for?. What N was the famous scientist who developed the formula F = ma?. What T's is an expression made up of?. What U must you always include when calculate an answer using a formula?. What V are used in algebra to represent numbers?. What W is given when the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.81m/s) is substituted into F = ma?. What L is an equation of order one?.
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