Radioactivity p3

Revision for p3 Radioactivity module for 21st Century Science.
What A is the most damaging radiation if inside your body?. What P stops Alpha particles? . What N is where radiation comes from?. What R is type of radioactive gas?. What B is the type of radiation stopped by aluminium?. What C can be caused by, and treated by radiation?. What H is the time it takes for half a substance to decay?. What F reaction releases energy when the nuclei split?. What G is reduced by Lead?. What B is the radiation all around us?. What I happens when radiation causes electrons to be knocked off the material it passes through?. What I is used in medical imaging?. What S is left after 4 half-lives?. What S, found in the home, contains an Alpha source?. What C is a type of dating used to find the age of objects?. What S is used to prolong food and kill germs?. What S is the unit for radioactive dose?. What B is used by radiation workers to monitor their exposure?. What T is driven by steam in a power station?. What D describes radioactive atoms spontaneously changing into more stable ones?.
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