Gunpowder Plot

Key facts relating to Gunpowder Plot (Simple)
What C was the leader of the plot?. What P rented the coal-cellar under Parliament?. What T was the number of barrels of gunpowder?. What M was the lord who received a letter giving the plot away?. What T was used on Guy Fawkes to extract a confession?. What J was king of England in 1805?. What C was the king's chief minister in 1605?. What P was the king's religion?. What C was the religion of the plotters?. What expensive W was found in the cellar with Guy Fawkes?. What H was the name of the house in the Midlands to which the plotters fled?. What T did the plotters dig first - allegedly?. What Q was the fate of the plotters after their trial? Hanged, drawn and .... What W was the surname of two brothers in the plot?. In what N was Parliament meant to explode?. What P had James kicked out of the country?. What J was the name that Guy Fawkes gave when he was arrested?. Upon what S would the plotters be hanged?. What W were not called at the plotters' trial?. What T was found in the cellar with Guy Fawkes?.
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