Weather, Climate and Climate Change

A revision quiz for a Year 8 Unit of work on 'Weather, Climate and Climate Change'.
What R is a type of energy that will never run out and does not contribute to climate change?. What K is the name of a city in Japan where a famous international protocol was signed?. What A is used to measure wind speed?. What WV is used to measure wind direction?. What T is used to measure temperature?. What W is the day to day conditions in the atmosphere?. What C is the average temperature and rainfall measured over a period of time?. What M is the climatic conditions of a small area?. What G is the name for the group of gases that contribute to global warming?. What C is released when fossil fuels are burned?. What U is the first initial of the richest and most polluting country (per person) on Earth?. What C is the name of a country that is building at least 1 coal fired power station every week?. What R is the reusing of materials such as paper, glass and aluminium cans?. What P is a form of transport that, if used more, reduces climate change?. What S is the name given to energy produced from the sun?. What A is the region containing the North Pole?. What A is a factor affecting a micro-climate involving the position of the sun?. What S is factor affecting a micro-climate involving ground colour?. What N is name of a tropical cyclone that hit Burma in 2008?. What N is the first initial of an ocean current that warms the western coast of the UK?.
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