Fit and Healthy

Fit and healthy quiz for year 9
What S gives the body support and protection?. What A is a drug which affects the brain and liver?. What N is the addictive chemical in cigarettes?. What H works faster when you exercise?. What O does your body need more of when you exercise?. What A is a tiny air sac found in the lungs?. What R protects the heart and lungs?. What I is a mineral needed in the diet for blood?. What C is a mineral needed in the diet for healthy teeth and bones?. What L is caused by tar in cigarettes?. What T is sometimes called the windpipe?. What S describes drugs that speed up brain activity?. What D describes a drug that slows down brain activity?. What P is needed in the diet for growth and repair?. What C provides us with most of our energy?. What B is protected by the skull?. What A describes a pair of muscles working opposite each other?. What D is the muscle that flattens when we breathe in?. What C is a gas that our boby gets rid of?. What B are the two tubes leading to the lungs?.
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