
The quiz contains basic database terms for Intermediate 2 level.
What R is a printout from a database?. What Q is a search or sort carried out on data?. What F is a layout used for entering data into a database?. What F is a type of database with only one table?. What R is a type of database with several linked tables?. What E is another name for a database table?. What A is another name for a field?. What P is a unique attribute used to identify information?. What I is data given in a context that has meaning?. What F is a primary key from another table?. What V are checks carried out on data to ensure it is aceptable?. What P is a validation check that makes sure data is entered into a field?. What R is a validation check that limits the values that can be entered into a field?. What R is a validation check that makes sure a numeric value is between two limits?. What T is a data type that can hold letters?. What R is a numeric data type that can store numbers with decimal parts?. What I is a numeric data type that store numbers with no decimal part?. What B is a data type that stores one of two acceptable values?. What L is a data type that stores a reference to another file or object?. What O is a data type that can store a graphic, sound or video file?.
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