Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain

Painting and Decorating - Introduction to colour
What A comes before the word harmony? . What T is a colour to which white has been added?. What N is the grey you get when you mix equal amounts of black and white?. What H describes the proportion of each of the primary colours in a colour?. What S is a hue to which black has been added?. What I is the hue you get when you mix blue and purple?. What O is the hue you get when you mix red and yellow?. What P is followed by 'colours' and included red, yellow and blue?. What P do you get when you add equal amounts of black and white to a hue? . What M is a colour scheme that uses tints, shades and pastels of the same hue?. What G is a hue produced by mixing blue and yellow?. What C describes hues that are opposite each other on the colour wheel?. What D describes a naturally dark colour that has been made light?. What G is a mixture of black and white?. What W is when all colours have been reflected?. What B is when all colours have been absorbed?. What P is a secondary colour?. What T 'colour' describes mixing secondary colours together?. What H describes when colours go well together? . What S is the number of colours in the spectrum?.
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