The Renal System

Gross anatomy and function of the Renal system for A Level Biology.
What U is connects the kidney to the bladder?. What B is where urine is stored?. What R is the artery supplying blood to the kidney. What N consists of Bowman's capsule linked to a tubule?. What B is a cup shaped capsule?. What G is a knot of capillaries?. What U is removed by the kidney?. What C is the darker outer layer of the kidney?. What M is the inner paler part of the kidney?. What U is the process that takes place in the glomerulus?. What R takes place in the tubules?. What W is reabsorbed in the tubules?. What G is reabsorbed in the tubules?. What O is an essential function of the kidney?. What U is stored in the bladder?. What B is filtrated by the kidney?. What U releases urine from the bladder?. What P is the central part of the kidney?. Which A A are reabsorbed in the tubules?. What D allows a person with kidney failure to stay alive?.
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