Basic French

Basic French vocab - numbers,days, months, pets
What L is first working day in French?. What D is a day of rest in French?. What C is half of ten in French?. What D is twice five in French?. What P is a fishy pet in French?. What C is small rodent in French?. What C is outside in a kennel in French?. What C is an adult kitten in French?. What N is one less than ten in French?. What V is twice ten in French?. What S is the days in a week in French?. What D is months in a year in French?. What T is days in September in French?. What J is first month of the year in French?. What F is shortest month of the year in French?. What D is month Christmas is in in French?. What J is month we break up for long holiday in French?. What A is month we don't go to school in French?. What M is named after a Roman God in French?. What S is day after Friday in French?.
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