
A Quiz Buster based on music with some reference to mimimalism. Suitable for key stage 3 students (year 9).
What M is a small musical idea?. What M is another word for 'tune'?. What C is two or more notes played together?. What A means double the note values of your motif?. What D means halve the note values of your motif?. What P means 'high or low'?. What T means the speed of the music?. What D means 'volume'?. What T is 'thick or thin'?. What F is the Italian word for 'loud'?. What C means 'gradually getting louder'?. What P is the Italian word for 'quiet'?. What M is a two beat note?. What C is the value of two half beat notes added together?. What B is a steady pulse?. What I is making up as you go along?. What C is a minimalist composer's surname?. What V is a string instrument?. What P section of the orchestra does the triangle belong?. What F is a woodwind instrument?.
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