Newspaper Quiz

Questions based on newspaper terms based on a particular KS2 - KS3 scheme of work.
What T describes newspapers like The Sun?. What H is the newspaper name for a title?. What Q are someone's actual words reported in a story?. What B is The Times?. What E is the language used in a story?. What W is one of the 5 W's relating to a person?. What J is the person working for a newspaper?. What S is a general way to describe any article in a newspaper?. What C is a word joining together clauses?. What E is the person who decides what goes in the paper?. What A is the theme of a story?. What O is someone's personal view?. What F is something that you can prove?. What C is someone famous?. What A is when words begin with the same sound?. What P is a play on words?. What C is always used at the start of a sentence?. What E is someone who actually sees something happen?. What M is a newspaper you could see yourself in?. What C is the writing underneath a photograph?.
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