Careers Blockbuster Year 10

An introduction to Careers terminology.
What O is the word used to describe KS4 choices?. What L is what you do all the time, all your life, in different ways- finding out or understanding?. What P is looking ahead, thinking what needs doing, making decisions?. David Beckham's A was to be a professional footballer?. What ECA are what you opt to do outside the classroom for interest, fun or to improve a skill?. What A is success, something you are proud of?. What S are things you are good at and can do e.g. practical, artistic?. What T is a supportive adult member of staff who takes an interest in your overall progress?. What C is a pathway through life including education, employment and training?. What G is your ambition, dream, what you are aiming for short or longer term?. What U is where you go to get a BA or a BSc Qualification?. What C is your life in brief. Could be part of an application for a job?. What E is proof. Different sorts - eg written, verbal?. What P is relating to a particular individual. someone's own...ideas, choices. skills?. What R is what you should do so you don't forget - writing it down?. What Q is evidence of achievement e.g .GCSE's?. What W. E. is finding out about employment by spending time with an employer?. What S is what you might write down to pull things together?. What I is when you have to formally present yourself, your skills to someone eg to an employer?. What P is what we all want to make because it means we are moving forward, getting better?.
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