safety quiz

Safety Quiz
What C is legislation that covers safety issues for children?. what does COSHH stand for?. What does RIDDOR stand for?. What O is the Inspector of Schools?. What W is the first hygiene rule?. What E is where you find bacteria?. What V is a micro-organism?. What B do you do to a child that is choking?. In First Aid what does ABC stand for?. What P is a sign of life?. What R is the safest position to put a person in when they have had an accident?. What do the initials DRSABC stand for ?. What A is a life-threatening condition affecting breathing!. What P do you apply to stop bleeding?. What W is a safety project in Gateshead?. What B are the most common childhood accidents in the North East. What C is used to treat a burn?. What animal depicts a safety standard?. What S is the main priority when taking children on a trip?. That C is required by law for children travelling on the road?.
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