Delivering Presentations

PowerPoint quiz covering all the basic terms.
What A refers to the people who will view your presentaton?. What C refers to the mixture of colours used in a slide?. What BP can we use to organise text in a neater way?. What T is written information on your slides?. What I can be used instead of text to make a presentation clearer?. What S do we have to create for screen publications?. What T is examining a document before presenting it to your audience?. What B should always be dark if using light coloured text?. What N is roughly the maximum number of lines per slide?. What A is tested when we check spelling and grammer?. What A should only be used when necessary ?. What T is the change from slide to slide?. What P refers to the aims of a presentation?. What P should be the first step when we create any document?. What F is to do with the style of the text and should be picked to make it easy to read?. What S can be inserted into your presentation?. What W is used for fancy writing?. What C is used to insert some images?. What C means you have done the same throughout your presentation?. What L is not very good when your slide cluttered or difficult to read?.
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