
A quick revision quiz on cells for KS4.
What M is the name for the type of cell division that occurs to produce gametes?. What T is the name for a group of specialised cells?. What N is the place within a cell where the genetic information is stored?. What C is the structure on which the genetic information is stored?. What O is the name for a group of tissues?. What S is the name for the male gamete?. What O is the name for the female gamete?. What M is the name of the place where respiration takes place within a cell?. What A is the name for one particular form of a gene?. What V is the name for the fluid sac contained within a plant cell?. What H is the enzyme which red blood cells have which enables them to 'carry' oxygen?. What P is the process whereby plants create glucose?. What X is the plant structure that transports water?. What C is the structure within a plant cell that allows photosynthesis?. What M is present in all cells and is partially permeable?. What W is present only in plant cells and is fully permeable?. What D is the name of the part of a neurone that connects to other cells?. What B is the descriptive word used to describe the shape of a red blood cell?. What P is the plant structure that carries food?. What D is the name of what genetic information is made of?.
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