Chemical Reactions

Basic chemistry and lab equipment.
What CR is a change which makes a new substance?. What PC is a change which doesn't make a new substance?. What M is what happens when you heat up chocolate?. What F is done to water to make it into ice cubes?. What P is a substance made when a chemical reaction has happened?. What R is a beginning substance needed for a chemical reaction?. What G is a piece of safety equipment needed to protect your eyes?. What BB is a piece of equipment used to heat things in the lab?. What S is made when you boil water?. What CD is the gas we breathe out?. What O is the gas we breathe in?. What T is a piece of equipment used for measuring temperature?. What H is a way to melt ice?. What W is H20 more commonly known as?. What G is used to blow up a bubble?. What D happens to sugar when you put it in your tea?. What L does a solid change to when it melts?. What S does a liquid change to when it freezes?. What F is the noise made when a chemical reaction produces a gas?. What HM is a piece of lab equipment that you always put a bunsen burner on?.
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