Textiles tools

Basic tools and equipment used in the preparation and construction of textiles products.
What O is used in idustry to stitch fabric together?. What T is used to measure curves or lengths of fabric?. What T is used to protect your middle finger when hand sewing?. What S are large scissors used for cutting out garments?. What U is used to remove unwanted stitches? . What T is used to temporarily mark fabrics?. What E are used to snip and clip threads?. What I is used to readd and remove creases from fabric?. What S is used to make permanent stitches in fabric ? . What P is used to make holes in leather?. What S is produced by pressurised irons?. What T is used to join fabrics?. What T is the product made to test a pattern?. What B are the tool used to cut many layers of fabric at one time?. What T is laid onto fabric and is cut around when making a skirt?. What B is used to hold thread on in a sewing machine?. What K is used in a pair to make a jumper with?. What E is used to thread a shoe lace through?. What P are used to temporarily hold pieces of fabric together?. What P is used to hold the fabric in place under a machine whilst sewing?.
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