SSM Units, area and perimeter

SSM quiz on units, area and perimeter
What H is the number of cm in 1m?. What A is measured in square units?. What P is the distance around the outside of a shape?. What T is the area found by half x base x height?. What P describes two lines that are perpendicular to each other?. What B do you multiply the height by, to find the area of a parallelogram?. What C is a shape made up of two or more other shapes?. Complete the sentence - area is the __________ of a shape. Complete the sentence - perimeter is the _________ of a shape. What are km, m, cm and mm all examples of?. What T is the number of mm in 1cm. What F is the number of mm in 4cm. What T is the number of mm in 1m. What L do you multiply the width by to find the area of a rectangle?. What D do we describe a parallelogram as? A _____ rectangle. What Q is the general name for all 4-sided shapes?. What R is a parallelogram with all sides equal?. What F is Area = length x width an example of?. What D must you always draw when solving shape questions. What S is to put numbers into a formula to find a solution?.
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