Metals and Metal Compounds

Reviews terms learnt in module 9E metals and metal compounds.
What N is a type of reaction that occurs between an acid and an alkali?. What H is a gas that is given off when a metal and an acid react?. What C is a type of salt made from Hydrochloric acid?. What N is a type of salt made from Nitric acid?. What S is a type of salt made from Sulphuric acid?. What L is used to test for carbon dioxide?. What C is produced when an acid reacts with a carbonate?. What H is a gas that you test for using a lighted splint that pops?. What M is the type of bonding that occurs in metals?. What E is the process by which a liquid is removed to make salt crystals?. What G is the only non-metal to conduct electricity?. What P is used to measure how acidic or alkali something is?. What F is a process used to seperate an insoluble solid from a liquid?. What E is the negatively charge part of an atom?. What N describes the pH of pure water?. What E is the name of the substances in the periodic table?. What Z is represented by the chemical symbol Zn?. What M is is represented by the chemical symbol Mg?. What W is the liquid formed when an acid and an alkali react?. What F commonly contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium?.
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