Islam Revision

Key terms and concepts relating to Islam.
What A is the arabic name for God?. What A is the language of Islam?. What C is the art of beautful writing?. What D is part of the roof of the mosque?. What E describes Allah lasting forever?. What R is the month of fasting?. What F is going without food and drink?. What Z is the third pillar of islam?. What G is the meaning of Zakah?. What S is the fourth pillar of islam?. What P is the meaning of the word Salah?. What D is the time when Muslims give up food and drink?. What W is the colour of clothes worn on Hajj?. What M is the city faced during worship and prayers?. What W is the ritual of washing before prayer and worship?. What P is the meat considered to be Haram?. What A is the drink considered to be Haram?. What H is the word meaning allowed?. What M is the muslim place of worship?. What S is removed as Muslims enter ther mosque?.
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