Earth and Space

For Year 7 Class - Motion of the Earth, Moon and Stars
What S is the brightest star in the sky, also know as the dog star?. What P is the star directly over the north pole?. What C is the name for a pattern in the stars?. What O is the name of a group of stars - named after a legendary greek hunter?. What S is caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis?. What D is the time it takes the earth to spin once on its axis?. What Y is the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun once?. What M is roughly how long it takes the moon to orbit the earth?. What E is what happens when part of the earth falls in the suns shadow?. What P is the name given to the different shapes of the moon?. What M is the planet nearest the sun?. What M is the name of our galaxy?. What S is the nearest star to earth?. What J is planet with a big red spot on the side?. What S is a planet famous for its rings?. What F is the type of moon we see when the moon is directly opposite the sun?. What S is the constellation named after tha animal that killed orion?. What A are people who study the stars?. What P is a device that tells us what stars we should be able to see on a certain day?. What S is an instrement that uses the sun to tell the time?.
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