Names and Uses of Cooking Equipment

Names and uses of cooking equipment. Easy questions.
What CT is used to cool food once it has been removed from the oven?. What FD is used to sprinkle flour over a work surface?. What PC is used to cut biscuits, scones or pastry shapes?. What RW is turned by hand and can be used to beat cream?. What G is used to shred food finely?. What VK is used to cut vegetables?. What PK is a flattened knife used to shape and turn food over?. What VP is used to peel fruit and vegetables?. What CK is used to chop parsley or larger items of food?. What RP is used to flatten pastry evenly?. What PB is used to glaze food before cooking?. What T is used to stir or for 'handy' measures ?. What S is used to remove lumps and to add air to dry ingredients e.g. flour?. What FS is used to turn fish when frying?. What HHEW is used to whisk in a bowl to add air to a sponge or meringues for example?. What EFP is a machine used to chop, slice, cream, rub - in, grate and liquidise?. What PB is filled with cream or potatoes and is used to decorate or garnish food?. What PT or N is used in a piping bag to pipe potato or chocolate eclairs?. What ST or N is a fluted tube used in a piping bag to decorate food?. What S is used to weigh ingredients accurately?.
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