Florence Nightingale Quiz

A Quiz about Florence Nightingale (Key Stage One)
What P is the sister of Florence? . What N is the job Florence wanted to do?. What I is the the country Florence was born in?. What S is the people Florence helped in Scutari?. What H is animal Florence took out of the well?. What L finishes this sentence: 'The Lady with the ....'?. What E is country Florence lived in?. What S is the place Florence went to in order to help the soldiers?. What T is number of nurses who went with Florence to Scutari?. What V is the queen who gave her a medal?. What E is the king who gave her a medal?. What B is the thing Florence wrote when she came back from the Crimea?. What S is a way that Florence and her nurses travelled to the Crimea?. What W is the bad event that was happening in the Crimea?. What M is the gift Queen Victoria gave her?. What S is place Queen Victoria opened to help train nurses?. What C did Florence and her nurses do when they got to the Barracks Hospital in Scutari?. What D are the people who were not nice to Florence and her nurses when they got to the Crimea?. What O is an animal Florence had as a pet when she was young?. What N is age that Florence died at?.
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