Plants for food & Food chains.

keywords used during plants for food unit (year 9) for higher ability.
What P is a group of chemicals used to control insects, weeds, bacteria, mites, nematodes & fungi?. What BCA is an alternative to using pesticides. could involve using a natural predator?. What H is an agent used to control weed growth?. What N is an essential part of a plants intake for healthy growth?. What F shows the flow of energy from one organism to another? . What F represent several interlinked food chains?. What G is the food source that plants make?. What P is the process in which plants make their food?. What P is a name given to an organism that makes its own food source?. What E is released during respiration?. What C is a type of herbicide that kills off the top growth of plants?. What R is a type of herbicide that resides in the soil preventing seeds from germinating?. What B isa term given to when toxins build up in the tissues of organisms?. What C is term when plants "fight for" light, space, nutrients, water etc?. What C is a term given to organisms that don't make their own food?. What O is a term for an organism that eats plants and other animals?. What CD is what plants use during photosynthesis? . What C is part of a plant important for photosynthesis?. What RH is an important part of the plant that increases surface area to absorb nutrients from soil?. What A is used to show energy transfer through a food chain?.
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