Electrical Circuits

Basics of electrical circuits for first 4 lessons
What S is a circuit that is one complete loop?. What P is a circuit that has separate circuits within it?. What A is what we use to measure current?. What V is what we used to measure the voltage?. What S is what we can use to stop the flow of current in a circuit?. What V is something a dimmer switch uses?. What W is what we use to connect a circuit together?. What B is needed to complete a circuit?. What C is what flows through a circuit?. What C is another name for a battery?. What C is something that lets electricity pass through it?. What I is Something that wont let electricity pass through it?. What A is what current is measured in?. What V is what the push of the current is measured in?. What B is what can be lit up in a circuit?. What P is one side of a battery?. What N is one side of a battery?. What M are most conductors?. What A is an insulator that is all around us?. What D is something in the home that uses a variable resistor?.
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