Patterns in Properties

Edexcel GCSE Science Topic 5
What A is another name for Group 1?. Which C is a substance made up of two or more elements?. What B is the name for a chemical join between atoms?. What C is a reaction between metal, air and water?. Which D is mass divided by volume?. Which E is a reaction which gives out heat?. Which E is a reaction that takes in heat?. Which I means unreactive?. What D is the name for a molecule that goes round in twos?. What D means something can be stretched into wires?. What P is when an insoluble solid forms in a reaction?. What R is the common name for a type of iron oxide?. What A is mixture of metals?. What H is the general name for elements in group 7?. What P is the name for a positive particle?. What N is the name of a particle found in the nucleus?. What S means to kill bacteria?. What T is another name for poisonous?. What T is the name for elements between group 2 and 3?. What D is the type of chemical reaction when a more reactive element pushes out a less reactive one?.
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