agriculture and food

Terms used in agriculture - easy
What A is a word for farming?. What B is the meat we get from cattle?. What C is the first milk a calf gets from the cow?. What D is the type of farming where cows are kept for their milk?. What E is what we get from hens?. What F is what happens in plants after pollination?. What G is when seeds start to grow?. What H is dried grass fed to animals?. What I is a group of living things which pollinate flowers?. What L is a young sheep?. What P is staple a crop grown by farmers?. What R is the word for living things producing young?. What S is the process of taking wool from sheep?. What O is farming without the use of chemicals?. What U is the part of a cow which holds the milk?. What W is a common type of cereal crop?. What Y is the amount of milk a cow gives?. What M is a place where animals are bought and sold?. What N is another word for the goodness in food?. What T is a type of root crop?.
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