Drugs Awareness

A quiz for Y9 pupils as part of a review of their their Guidance (PHSE) session on drug use and its effects.
What C is a legally available drug available to those over 16?. What A is a legally available drug available to those over 18?. What G is a legally available substance that can be used as a drug?. What D is anything that affects your body?. What H is the alternative name for cannabis?. What C is a drug that contains more tar than tobacco?. What D is one of the side effects of taking cannabis?. What O is the term used when too much of a drug has been taken?. What C is a class A drug?. What D is the name given to someone who sells drugs?. What H is a class A drug?. What H is a side effect of taking some drugs? . What R is 21 year old girl who's death will feature in a new shock tactics video about heroin use?. What F is an organisation you can contact for help with drug related problems?. What O is the most potent form of cannabis?. What M is an alternative name for a form of cannabis? . What H is an infection that can be spread by sharing blood via needles?. What P is the place you could end up if you are caught dealing or in possession of drugs?. What A is name of a group of class B drugs - also commonly called "uppers"? . What N is reply you should give to anyone who tries to get you to try drugs?.
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