Variation and classification

Year 7 Variation and classification quiz suitable for use with QCA unit 7D.
What K is 5 groups all living things can be divided into?. What B is what gives vertebrates' bodies their support?. What E is the hard outer covering invertebrates have?. What B is is the only animal group to have feathers?. What A is the group to which newts belong?. What A is the group to which spiders belong?. What E is the cause of variation in accents and religion?. What I is the passing on of features from parents?. What H is an excellent example of continuous variation?. What T is the genetic ability make a certain muscle U shaped?. What P is a kingdom that can make food from the sun?. What H is name given to us humans?. What F is kingdom to which yeast that makes bread rise belong?. What M is the only animal group to contain animals with fur?. What M is a substance only made by mammalian mothers?. What P is the kingdom bacteria belong to?. What P is an egg-laying, fur-covered, swimming, stinging mammal?. What T is the process of describing, classifying and naming organisms?. What C is the feature amphibians, fish and reptiles have in common?. What M is a feature only amphibian animals pocess?.
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