GCSE Maths Good Luck Quiz

A quiz to wish students good luck prior to Maths GCSE
What C is essential on Monday 1st June?. What T is used for questions involving rotation?. What P must you not do if you don't understand a question?. What T is the minimum number of times you should read a question?. What C is essential when constructing?. What P must always be used when drawing diagrams?. Fill in the gap - the Maths department at IGS would like to wish you all g___ luck. What S might you be asked to write your answer to?. What C must you do to all your answers carefully?. What W must you show at all times?. What W will keep you hydrated during the exams?. What B should you have plenty of when revising?. What S can you avoid by talking to others about any problems?. What F will you have plenty of when you've finished all your exams?. What S helps us remember the trigonometry ratios?. What D should you not do on the back of your exam paper if bored?. What C should you be - because you can all do it!. What R is a Thursday in August when we'll all be celebrating?. What H is the part of your body you should raise if you wish to borrow equipment in the exam?. Fill in the gap, if you're calculator breaks during the exam b______ one!.
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