Much Ado About Nothing

Questions on SATs Much Ado About Nothing. Lower ability
What S is the author of Much Ado About Nothing?. What B is eventually in love with Beatrice?. What C is in love with Hero?. What H is Leonato's daughter?. What L is the governor of Messina?. What M is where the play is set?. What C is the genre of this play?. What M is the type of ball the had?. What H pretends to be dead?. What D is named as a bastard?. What D is the Prince of Aragon?. What B is one of Don John's followers?. What D pretends to woo Hero?. What M is one of Hero's servants?. What G is where Benedict was hiding when his friends talked about Beatrice? . What A is Leonato's brother?. What FF is marrying Hero and Claudio?. What B is considered intelligent and witty?. What F is where Claudio is from?. What P is where Benedict is from?.
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