Reproduction - Level 4

A very low level quiz on the keywords of reproduction for a bottom set year 7 class.
What S is the male sex cell?. What E is the female sex cell?. What O is where the eggs are made?. What T is where the sperm is made?. What U is where the baby develops?. What U is the tube where urine comes out of?. What V is the opening the baby comes out of?. What P is the main sex organ that enters the vagina during intercourse?. What S D is a tube that sperm travels through?. What W is the common name for uterus?. What G produces the liquid that mixes with sperm to make semen?. What S is a mixture of sperm and a liquid from the glands?. What F is when an egg cell meets a sperm cell?. What B is where the urine is stored?. What R is the process that produces offspring?. What S is the sack that holds the testes in place?. What O is the tube where the sperm meets the egg?. What C is at the opening of the uterus and holds the baby in place?. What P is describes the loss of blood from a women every 28 days?. What B is when a baby comes out of the mother's uterus?.
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