'Our Day Out' by Willy Russell

Quiz based on the play 'Our Day Out' by Willy Russell.
What C was the girl on the cliff ?. What WR wrote 'Our Day Out'?. What F did they go to after the beach?. What L is the city where the play was set?. What B was the man in the car at the start of the play?. What B is the name all the kids call Mr Briggs?. What R did the kids do at the zoo to make Mr. Briggs so angry?. What C does Mrs Kay suggest they get at the shop?. What S describes Carol's personality?. What S does Riley do on the coach?. What P is the kind of class the kids are from?. What C was the name of the castle they visited?. What A is the boy whose father belted him for not giving him a fag?. What S did the driver buy for the kids?. What L was the name of the lollipop man?. What D did Mr. Briggs do with the roll of film?. What M said ' Most of them were rejects on the day they were born'?. What H said, 'She reminds me of a mother hen rather than a teacher.'?. What M said, 'That's a fine attitude isn't it.'?. What L is the girl that did not wear a uniform?.
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