Reproduction - Year 7

Reproduction and puberty questions
Name of the male sex cell?. Name of the female sex cell?. Where are the male sex cells produced?. Where are the female sex cells produced?. This is when a male and female sex cell fuse together?. What O is where fertilisation occurs?. This is where the baby develops?. This protects the developing embryo?. What P supplies the fetus with food and oxygen and takes away the waste materials?. The developing ball of cells after fertilisation has occured?. This is when the features like limbs can be seen?. What S protects the testes?. This is where semen is deposited?. What N contains the genetic material of the cell?. What A is the time between childhood and adulthood?. What H are chemical messengers?. What T helps the sperm cell to swim and reach the egg cell?. What P is when mature testes and ovaries start to produce sex cells?. What O is when a mature egg cell is released from one of the womans ovaries?. What T is the singular term for testes?.
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