Growing up

Used with yera 7 class to reinforce puberty.
What A is the process of changing from child to adult?. What H are the chemicals which control your development?. What W is the part of the body where a baby develops?. What S are the male sex cells?. What E is the female sex cells?. What P is the loss of the lining of the womb?. What U is another word for the womb?. What S can be caused by not washing your face?. What P is the male sexual organ?. What M happens during puberty and they are often bad ones?. What V gets deeper in boys?. What T is the place where sperm are made?. What N refers to the whole process of puberty - it is....?. What H grows in armpits?. What U is the state you might often be in during puberty?. What S is the skin sac where the testes are held?. What B are used to feed a newborn baby?. What V is the place where eggs are made?. What C is something girls may experience during periods?. What F is the joining of an egg and a sperm?.
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