
Simple jobs quiz, which could be a starter or plenary in a careers/citizenship lesson.
What E would check your wiring?. What T educates young people?. What F rears animals or grows crops?. What S travels around selling products and services?. What W serves food in a restaurant?. What A is helper, for example in a shop?. What P dispenses medicines and drugs?. What A interprets and performs plays and scripts?. What L offers advice about and lends out books?. What C drives a passenger from one place to another?. What S writes new computer programs e.g. for computer games?. What C works in an office or a bank on administrative tasks?. What P helps injured sportspeople to recover by doing exercises with them?. What N looks after sick people?. What M might be found in a recording studio or an orchestra?. The P___ Manager is the person responsible for buying in stock for a shop?. What P takes pictures for a living?. What H might give you a perm or a number one?. What L would you go to get new keys or to make your house more secure?. What J writes articles for a newspaper?.
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