Insruments of the Orchestra

This quiz looks at at the 4 families of instruments, and the instruments that belong to these families, focusing on orchestral instruments. It is suitable for KS3 classes.
What P is part of the percussion family?. What V is the highest instrument in the string family?. What D is a string instrument that plays very low notes?. What P is the highest instrument in the woodwind family?. What B is part of the percussion family?. What B is part of the woodwind family?. What R is the small piece of bamboo used in some woodwind instruments?. What V sits to the immediate left of the conductor?. What O is part of the woodwind family?. What T is the lowest instrument in the brass family?. What M is part of the percussion family?. What H is a string instrument?. What C leads the orchestra?. What B is one of the 4 families of instruments?. What C sits to the right of the conductor?. What T is a brass instrument that doesn't have valves?. What T is a tuned percussion instrument?. What C is part of the percussion family and makes a loud clash when hit together?. What V is a string instrument, but is not the highest instrument in the string family?. What B describes the way in which a violin is usually played?.
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