
Database quiz covering the basics
What R is the term given to a database made up of more than one table?. What D are 'text', 'numerical' and 'date'?. What F can be used to input data efficiently?. What R is used when printing data from a database?. What F is a type of database containing only one table? . What P is the unique identifier in a table?. What S is the term used when organising data from highest to lowest or A - Z?. What I is a numerical datatype that stores only whole numbers?. What Q's can be implemented on a database to retreive specific information. What Y is the datatype used to indicate if a person has a car?. What V are checks carried out on data to ensure it is aceptable?. What C is a data type used when dealing with money?. What T is the phase of the SDL that ensures the system works?. What I is the phase of the SDL in which the system is created. What C is the name given to each box in a database table?. What F is the term usd to describe a column that holds data about one specific thing eg. hair colour. What R is the term used to describe information on one person or thing?. What A is the name of a Microsoft Database package?. What E is the number that should be entered into the field size box for a UK mobile number?. What D is the data type that include months and years?.
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