Keeping Warm

Used to revise year 4 keeping warm unit.
What T is used to measure temperature?. What T is is the measure of heat?. What D are the small units used to measure temperature?. What C is a material that transfers heat?. What I is a material which prevents heat from being transferred?. What R is the temperature that materials will always return to?. What H is a high temperature?. What C is used to describe low temperatures?. What W is one way to keep hot things hot and cold things cold. What C is a scale used to measure temperature?. What F is an old fashioned temperature scale?. What M is a good thermal conductor?. What W is a poor thermal conductor and comes from trees?. What T is an inaccurate way to measure temperature?. What I is a way of keeping chicken eggs warm?. What F is a way to ensure your experiment is accurate?. What G is to present your temperature results?. What B is a source of heat in our classroom?. What E is a source of heat in the ICT suite?. What P is a good thermal insulator?.
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