Food Miles

Food Miles - a quiz related to how far food travels from where it is produced to where it is sold.
What does the H stand for in HGV?. What F means how far your food travels from the farm to the supermarket?. What O means fruit or vegetables that are grown without using chemicals?. What W is a drink that lasts for many years providing you don't open it?. What does GM stand for in relation to food? . What C is not warm enough in the UK for bananas to be grown?. What F is where most fruit and vegetables are grown?. What S is where most people buy their groceries?. What C is a dangerous gas emitted from lorries transporting food around Britain?. What S means the time when some fruit and vegetables can be grown and sold in Britain?. What F is 95% grown in other countrieds then imported to Britain?. What C means buying stuff in an easy and quick way?. What F means food that has been recently produced or grown?. What B is the date which a food starts to go bad. What C can be the result of CO2 emissions from hauling food around?. Even though we can grow these A fruits in our climate, we tend to buy them from USA.. What M comes in pasturised and UHT varieties?. What L is where most fresh food should be bought to help the environment?. What A is the most environemnntally unfriendly way to transport food?. Food lorries account for 30% of all T in Britain.
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