Electric Circuits

Plenary activity for year 7 electric circuits.
What F is an important protective part of a circuit that prevents too much current?. What S is a component that controls whether a circuit is complete or not?. What A is a device we can use to measure current?. What V is a device we can use to measure voltage?. What V is the term for the 'push' that a battery provides?. What V is the unit for voltage?. What A is the unit for current?. What C is the flow charge round a circuit?. What C carries the energy round a circuit?. What B is term for 2 or more cells?. What E is carried by the charge round a circuit?. What BS is type of switch that can be used as a fire alarm?. What E is the term for negative charges?. What P is the term for a circuit with 2 or more loops?. What S is the term for a circuit where all the components are in one loop?. What C describes a circuit where current will flow?. What C is term that includes lamps, switches, wires, cells and battery's?. What W connects all the components together?. What R increases when more lamps are added to a series circuit?. Bimetallic strips rely on a a change in?.
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