Solutions - Saturation points

Quiz based on the qca topic 7h solution but a lot of words about saturation.
What S means no more will dissolve?. What S is the liquid part of the solution?. What S is the solid part of a solution?. What S is a solid dissolved into a liquid?. What I is the variable that is changed?. What D is the variable that is measured?. What E is a liquid turning into a gas?. What C is a gas turning into a liquid?. What D involves evaporation and condensation?. What S is formed during freezing?. What L is formed during condensation?. What G is formed during evaporation?. What S is found at the beach and is soluble?. What S is found on the beach and is insoluble?. What D means that the solid is spread out in a liquid so we can't see it any more?. What C is a way of separating two solutes dissolved in a liquid?. What F is a way of separating insoluble things?. What S mans it does dissolve?. What I means it does not dissolve?. What S is the best subject in the world?.
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