Tourist Destinations

BTEC National Travel and Tourism - Tourist Destinations
What B do we call the document where you record all of your reference material?. What A is a place where you can locate all the countries of the world?. What R is an environmentally friendly method of transport?. What does BST stand for?. A road that you have to pay to use?. What is the three letter code for the busiest airport in the UK?. What E is a method of transport that a businessman may decide to use to travel to Paris?. All destinations have what through which tourists arrive?. What P are focal points for ferry services and cruise ships?. The term GMT was replaced by what in 1979?. What GBF is a natural feature and popular tourist destination in Australia?. Disney is an example of what PBR?. What H is one of the main reasons why overseas visitors come to Britain?. A destination has to be what A in order to be popular with a large number of tourists?. What B is the capital of China?. What Y is the currency is used in China?. What A has Vienna as its capital city?. What M is a famous motivational theorist?. What T is the climatic zone for a country that is hot and wet all year?. What AT is a UK theme park and commercial venture?.
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