B1b4.4 The first line of defence!

This supports revision of unit B1b4 particularly the lessons on physical and chemical barriers. This is also a general check of key words.
What S is an important physical barrier that can stop microorganisms?. What K is a protein found in skin which makes the outer layer really tough?. What H is found all over the skin?. What S is an antiseptic liquid produced by oil glands in the skin?. What U is a type of microorganism found in the alimentary canal that competes with pathogens?. What M is a thick sticky liquid that can trap microorganisms?. What C are tiny hairs that move microorganisms, dust and mucus up your throat?. What C is a way of removing mucus from you body?. What H is a type of acid found in the stomach?. Which S contains acid that can kill harmful microorganisms?. Which L is an enzyme found in your tears?. What T keeps your eyes moist?. What P is a type of barrier to microorganisms?. What C is a type of barrier to microorganism?. What P is a microorganism that causes diseases?. What T is a disease caused by a bacterium which can cause serious damage to the lungs?. What I is an invasion of microorganisms?. What B is a single celled microorganism, most are harmless but some are pathogens?. What D is caused by microorganisms and makes you ill?. What W is lined with cilia?.
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